German Online Games

Online puzzles, activities and games for teaching and learning german.

Super Table

German cases and endings for quick reference.

Verb Conjugator
Verb Conjugator

This page lists exercises to practice verb conjugation in the tenses taught in a typical German curriculum. To view the conjugation chart for each exercise, click on Verb Chart.

Grimm Grammar

Grammatical explanations etc- very useful.


Grammar Quiz
Grammar Quiz

A nice website to practise your verb tenses and adjectival ending etc.

Adjectives and Adverbs
List of common German adjectives and adverbs
Microsoft Word Document 12.3 KB
German Cases
German Cases explained
4 cases german.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 124.8 KB
Verb Conjugator
Verb Conjugator

Another Website to test your verb endings.

German Grammar in a Nutshell.  Geared more at KS4 so quite useful if you are a bit weak at Grammar.

German Conjunctions
3page document of German/English conjunctions
German conjunctions.docx
Microsoft Word Document 22.3 KB
German Adjectival Table
German Adjectival Table endings
Microsoft Word Document 13.0 KB
The Imperfect Tense
A list of verbs in the Imperfect Tense
Microsoft Word Document 14.0 KB
Katharina die Große
Setze Verben im Imperfekt ein.
Imperfekt mit on Katharina die Große.doc
Microsoft Word Document 47.6 KB